
November 13, 2012

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It's been a long while since I last jumbled my words into one decent post. I miss that. It's not like I am a good writer per se, plus I'm really bad at expressing myself but I do enjoy doing so once in a while. Not to mention that I'm treating my blog more and more like tumblr lately. Cheating Kiwa.

It's Deepavali today and it's a day off from school. I just showered after a long night sleep. I slept early and I woke up late. Refreshing. Gotta say such luxury does not come often. Now, now, I can't stay goyang kaki all day for there are shitloads of things await me but I'll get to them later. 
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I experienced an all together new thing recently. Just over a week ago, my uncle passed away. I am not that close to him but I am kinda close with his children and my aunt. Let's just say his family is the only relatives that I am close with. Anyways, my uncle had been sick for a while, he was going back and forth to the hospital for chemotherapy and treatments. The last time I saw him before his health started to deteriorate was during this year's Eid ul Fitr. 

I managed to visit him at the hospital for the first time the afternoon the day he passed away. He was different, so to speak. I am thankful to have at least seen him one last time. That night as I just got back home from some groceries shopping, Ayah told me my uncle was gone. At around 2 a.m. we went to his house. I stayed through the whole process till he was buried. It was such an eye opener for me, really. I've never been to a funeral ceremony before. When my grandma died in 2000, I was at school. I missed everything.

Being in the whole situation made me realize one thing;  I can't keep behaving the way that I am. I can't keep distancing myself from everyone. I can't keep distancing myself from my own family. I need to start to love and appreciate everyone around me more. No one knows when God will take them away from me forever. No one knows when God will take me away from them forever. 

No one knows.

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