My mind needed a break so Nazie and I went to Bandar Melaka today so that a) Nazie could find things for her assignments and b) I could run away from real life doing my assignments for a moment again.
And we finally watched Puss In Boots!
It was so-so. I was more excited before watching it. I guess annoying Humpty Dumpty ruined the excited-ness for me.
Don't you just feel like smacking his face?
Or crack him and make a perfect omelet.
But that'd be disgusting.
On Football update:
I'm not at all excited for the Club World Cup final on Sunday. Villa has joined Ibi in the long-term injury list. *facepalm* I don't really care about the title as all I wish for is for our boys to be injury free for the rest of the season. But if we win, it'd be a sweet tribute for Villa.
Get well soon Guaje!
Because I want to.
Anyways, now that Mar has taken Julia the Fluffy Bunny away for the weekend, I'm kinda missing my four legged companions. Sure enough, apart from my family, delicious foods, cozy bed and pillows, Astro and awesome internet connection, my cats are what I'm really missing for not being at home. *le sigh*
Speaking of cats, haaaave you met Jelly?:
Behold Senor Jelly, The Mighty Pencen Cat
Jelly is a stray. When we first moved to Ampang, he was always hiding in the drain in front of our house. Long story cut short, we fed him and he's been living in our front porch ever since. Btw, we called him Jelly because a) we thought he was a girl and b) he had permanent injury that causes his back legs to wobble when he walks, like a jelly wtf.
Now, now, although somewhat similar, he is not to be confused with Smokee:
This fat boy here is Smokee.
And this is of course, Miss Poop-A-Lot, Tigger.
I love my cats.
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