I love it so much that having to sit in the third row from the screen seems so worth it. It was hilarious and definitely one of the best uh, cartoon movie that I've watched this year. You should go watch it too, if you haven't.
And-and-and my favourite character is of course;

/obviously from IGN
The coolest horse ever.
I want him in my backyard.
And I made a cozy for Stevie!;

Yay neatness, here I come!
It was pretty simple and easy. Took only 3+ hours doing it *jaw dropped* Could be a lot less though, if I can stop myself from daydreaming while sewing. I have such short attention span.
Oh and I bought this cute sock from Daiso! How will be hot potato is written on it. I don't even know what that means (Engrish, lol) but I bought it anyways because it has the word potato. Muahaha I iz so shallow.

Weird feet.
Is the left foot bigger than the right? Homaigah I am an alien.
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