... It's been a while since my last Messi picture spam *wide smile*
Lesson that Kiwa learnt today:
- Use familiar route when travelling, or you'll get lost.
- You can get drifted miles away from your destination just by missing an exit.
- Having a phone with GPS application is essential.
- Step on the brake early to avoid collision.
- Driving on the slow lane is just as dangerous as driving on the fast lane (?).
- Listening to the radio repeating overrated songs is pure torture.
- Apparently, Kiwa can't navigate her car well when it's raining.
- And she tends to lose focus all the time.
- Kiwa is a very terrible driver.
- And she hates driving even more now.
I hate driving. I hate changing lanes. I hate having other cars getting too close for comfort with my car's butt. I hate traffic lights. I hate parking my car. I hate speed limits. I hate traffic jams. I hate toll booths. I hate getting lost. I hate people who use high beam lights. I hate people who honk too much. I hate people who change lanes without giving signals. I hate, hate driving.
I need a chauffeur to drive my modest Kelisa lol

Oh I hanged my cranes on my ceiling! Sorry for the blurry image though, it's hard to snap pictures while balancing with one leg on the table:

I can haz birds watching me sleep nao
I wanted to make and hang more of them, but Mama won't let me because they're dust magnets. She knows I won't bother cleaning them, lol. Mama knows me too well.
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